Compliance & certifications.
Safe and sound. We value your privacy and safety.
Our services are fully compliant with international standards.
We're compliantwith the most stringent standards.

The ISAE 3000 (SOC2) report is the international assurance standard for IT Service Organization Control. SwipeGuide's control framework and descriptions have been described, audited, and qualified yearly by an external auditor since June 2020.
The Trust Service Criteria for security, privacy, availability, and confidentiality are internationally recognized.

The ISAE 3402 SOC1 standard ensures that software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers execute services in a controlled manner. It also assures that security is dealt with according to standard.
For example: limiting who has access to sensitive information and enforcing rigorous anti-fraud measures. SwipeGuide has been audited and qualified yearly by an external auditor since June 2020.

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR EU 2016/679) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information from individuals and companies in the European Union.
SwipeGuide complies with the GDPR principles and commits to the lawful, fair, and transparent processing of personal data across its activities.
Get to know us
How to empower your frontline with better instructional design. -
How to gain the edge in Industry 4.0 with smart manufacturing practices. -
How to make excellent digital work instructions. -
How to deliver continuous improvement at the frontline with Lean principles. -
How to capture, share, and improve expert knowledge with digital SOPs.