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Knowledge Sharing.

Share best practices across sites and locations. Re-use instructions, SOPs, and checklists that has already been created and localize them to your needs. 


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What is "Multi-Space"?

  • The SwipeGuide Enterprise subscription is made for companies with many different sites or operations

  • In the Enterprise subscription, you can set up several Workspaces to organize your content centrally - and locally.

  • There are two types of Workspaces:
    • Shared Workspace: All published guides across your organization: eg. companyname.swipeguide.com

    • Local Workspace: Local guides specific to your site/line/department: eg. amsterdam-companyname.swipeguide.com


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What is a "Team"?

Team = A group of experts who can create, share, and publish Guides across Workspaces. Teams in different locations can share content with each other.


Roles within a Team: 

  • Platform Admin: sets up Teams and appoints the Admins for each Workspace.  
  • Admins: add and manage users in their Team.
  • Editors: create, share, and improve their Team’s Guides.
  • Viewers: use published Guides on their Workspace  in the Frontline App.

This is a SwipeGuide Enterprise platform with four local Workspaces.
Teams in these Workspaces can share best practices with each other, across the Workspaces, localize the content according to their needs, and use them on any device.



Discover more of our add-on functionalities.


Capture operational data from inspections, audits, and Gemba Walks.


Automatically translate your instructions in any left-to-right notated language.